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MSD Celebrates Long-Standing School Resource Officer Program on National SRO Day 2024

MSD Celebrates Long-Standing School Resource Officer Program on National SRO Day 2024

National School Resource Officer (SRO) Appreciation Day is celebrated on February 15, and the Medford School District is proud to have the longest-standing SRO program in the state. 


Our SROs are carefully selected, specifically trained, sworn law enforcement officers assigned by the Medford Police Department to work with schools. These officers fill a three-part role, serving as informal mentors or counselors, law educators, and law enforcement officers to support the students and communities they serve.


SROs do so much more than patrol and ensure the physical security of our school campuses. MSD SROs have a proactive approach to educating our secondary students in the following ways:

  • Social Media & Internet Security

    • Students learn about the dangers and long-lasting consequences of online communicating sensitive and private information. In an age of rapidly evolving technology, our SROs are instrumental in informing students of the possible dangers that exist.

  • Alcohol & Drug Use and Prevention

    • Our SROs work alongside Health teachers to educate students on the dangers of alcohol and drug use, as well as the consequences that exist to prevent drug and alcohol use in the first place.

  • Constitutional Law

    • Our SROs have been invited into Social Studies classrooms to explain real-world applications of constitutional law, specifically how the 4th and 5th Ammendment is applied.


The Medford School District has five SROs and four School Marshals. The SROs are each assigned to a secondary school while the Marshals circulate our elementary schools.

Here’s what each of our SROs says is their favorite part about their job:


Mike Jackson - McLoughlin Middle School - 18 Years

“I have been an SRO for 18 years. That’s a testament to how much I love this job, as it is a very long time to hold one assignment in law enforcement! I’m here for the kids. Somehow, they make me feel young and old at the same time! My favorite part about working in the schools is connecting with students and watching a kid with struggles start figuring things out and making positive choices.” 


Arturo Vega - North Medford High School - 5 Years

“My favorite part of the job is interacting with students, staff, and parents and building positive relationships with all.”


Ian McDonald - Hedrick Middle School - 10 Years

“This will be my 10th year as an SRO. The best part is the daily contact with the kids. I get to look for ways to help them every day.”


Josh Doney - South High School - 2 Years

“My favorite thing about being an SRO is that through building trust and rapport, I have a positive impact on students as they experience a safe learning environment on their journey through education.”


Dan Ashworth - 1st Year

“My favorite part is interacting with the students in non-adversarial ways. I walk through the halls and give high-fives. It’s about the positive interactions; I’ve been where some of these kids are, and I value mentorship and mentoring where I can.”


Read More about MSD Celebrates Long-Standing School Resource Officer Program on National SRO Day 2024