AP Information
Advanced Placement (AP Courses)
Some of our upper level courses at North Medford High School are designated as AP (Advanced Placement) classes. this means that the curriculum parallels the content tested on the Advanced Placement Tests offered each May by the College Board (a national testing agency).
AP courses are offered at NMHS for the following subjects:
-English Language & Composition
-English Literature & Composition
-European History
-Human Geography
-United States History
-World History
-Studio Art
-Computer Science
If you take an AP class, it is recorded on your high school transcript and counts as credit towards graduation. To receive college credit, you must take and pass the AP Exam for that subject. If you are interested in taking an AP course, you should talk with your counselor. It is possible to take an AP Test even if you are not enrolled in an AP class. Additionally, while some advanced level classes may not have the AP designation, their content may still provide excellent preparation for the exam.
You can read more information about Advanced Placement Exams on the College Board Website: apcentral.collegeboard.org.