On Nov. 29th at the Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland Mr. Black heard a lecture by Neil De Grasse Tyson Titled, "The Cosmic Perspective". Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Black met Dr. Tyson where he wore a NMHS Black Tornado hat and talked about "considering" coming to Medford to give a guest lecture :-) At the lecture Mr. Black saw two former NMHS students David and McKenzie Mayar and Lincoln Elem. student Brady.
Dr. Chaffee’s 38 year career at NASA had him working on the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station. In 1987, Dr. Chaffee was named NASA Engineer of the Year.
Dr. Wu visited all Astronomy Classes in May of 2018. Dr Wu modelled how researchers solve problems through experimentation, data collection and analysis, and forming conclusions based on verifiable and repeatable results.
2016 NMHS Graduate, Shane Bechtel, talked to current astronomy students about space science research possibilities at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Shane currently works at the Marston Planetarium and discussed opportunities to work on NASA’s Psyche Mission that is being designed at ASU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aExTQGcIGKo
Dr Robert Scheppler talks about his time working for the McDonald Observatory in Fort davis Texas and the 107 in. Telescope at the McDonald Observatory.