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College Representative Visits

Seniors can access the College Rep visits through the TFC Canvas page.  There are QR codes posted in the Tornado Future Center to scan and sign up.    

Students need to be signed in to their MSD Google Account to access the Google form. College Rep Visits are open to ALL NMHS Students unless noted below.   QR codes and links to sign up for visits are posted in the Tornado Future Center and in student g-mail.  


Click on the College/University name for the link to their website and a short video about the school.

 Oregon Public Universities

 Oregon Community Colleges

 Local Beauty Schools

 Oregon Private Colleges & Universities

Out of State Colleges & Universities

If there are schools you are interested in connecting with not listed above, reach out to the Tornado Future Center. We can help connect you with college representatives!


Nathan Chin
Tornado Future Center Coordinator

Jess Driskell
TFC Office Assistant
Scholarship & ASPIRE Coordinator