Meals are free to all NMHS students. Students will be asked to scan their student ID card or type in their student ID number at the cafeteria.
The Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs has an online Free and Reduced Priced Meal Application that parents/guardians may complete for their students.
- Gather all of your information before starting the application. The online system is not able to save incomplete applications.
- If you need to make changes after submitting the application, contact the student's school or school district.
- Required fields are shown with a red asterisk*
- Click the next button in the lower, right corner of each page to move to the next page.
- Please complete one application per family. If you or someone in your family received SNAP or TANF benefits, please provide your case number. Failure to provide a case number will result in an incomplete application that cannot be processed. Please complete ALL information.
Household Application for Free or Reduce-Priced Meals
My MealTime
Make school lunch deposits, pay fees, and manage cafeteria accounts from anywhere on any device.
My MealTime